Publications and conferences


2004 and before:

Title: `الكتب المقررة في معهد تحفيظ القرآن تحت رعاية جاكيم في كوالا  لمبور: دراسة تحليلية `, Master Thesis of IIUM.

Title: `نظرية العمل في النحو العربي: دراسة تحليلية ونقدية `, PhD Thesis of IIUM.

Title:المقام والقرينة الحالية ودورهما في المعنى , Conference on `al-itijÉhÉt al-Hadithah FÊ DirÉsat al-Lughah al-ÑArabiyah wa AdaabihÉ: QaÌayÉ wa ManhajiyÉt, published in Conference Proceeding, 2004.

2005 - 2006:

Title: Penjelasan Al-Quran Tentang `Manusia` Kajian Tatabahasa Arab Terhadap Ayat-Ayat yang dipilih, International Conference in Peradaban Melayu ke III organized by UPSI, published in Conference Proceeding, 2006.

2007 - 2008:

Title:موقف النحاة في فلسفة النحو العربي , 1st International Conference on Arabic Language and Literature organized by Dept. Arabic Language and Literature, IIUM, published in Conference Proceeding, 2007.

Title: قضية الإعراب بين القدماء والمحدثين, Majallah al-Addaat published in majallah Jam`atul al-lisan al-`Arabi al-dauliah, volume 2 of 2008 in Isfahan, Tehran.

Title: `The concept of an Integrated Islamic Curriculum and Its Implication For Contemporary Islamic Schools`, International Conference on Islamic Solidarity in Tehran organized by ISESCO, OIC and Ministry Education of Iran on February 20-21 2008, published in Conference Proceeding.

Title: `The Connection Between The Maani an-Nahwi in Arabic and The idea of Modistae in Latin: Historical of Linguistic Study Approach`. International Journal of Humanities, Common Ground, MelbourneAustralia, 2008.

Title: `Rene Descart Dan Metod Cogito` Jurnal of Usuluddin, University of Malaya Kuala Lumpur, Volume 28, 2008.

2009 - 2010:

Title: نظرية العمل وقضاياها في دراسة تحليليه , in The journal of Tajdid volume 13, no 26 (2009) of the journal, International Islamic University Malaysia.

Title: `The Greek Influence on Arabic Grammar` in The Asia Journal of Social Science entitle Islamic – Eurosian Paradoxes, Volume 36, no.5 (2009) of the journal, E.J.Brill, Leiden.

Title: ` المنطق الفقهي وعلاقته بالدلالة النحوية`, International Conference on ifta` wa ijtihad organized by Dept.of Fiqh and Usul Fiqh of IIUM, published in Conference Proceeding,

Title:العلماء العرب في تقعيد النحو العربي: نظرات النحويين في الإعراب والعوامل إسهام, Journal of Kulliyah Dar Ulum, published by Kulliyah Dar Ulum,  Minia University, Eygpt, March 2009.

Title: Penjelasan Al-Quran Tentang `Manusia` Kajian Tatabahasa Arab Terhadap Ayat-Ayat yang dipilih, Majalah Penyelidikkan JAKIM  Bil. 2, 2009.

Title: The relationship between syntax and semantics in the case of Ma`ani Nahwi in Arabic and the idea Of Modistae in Latin, by Journal of Sino-US English Teaching, ISSN1539-8072, USA, David Publishing Company, February, 2010, volume 7, No.2 (serial No.74).

2011 - 2012:

Title: Refuting The Alleged Transmission Greek Thinking Into Arabic Grammar, Journal of Islam in Asia by International Islamic University, Kuala Lumpur, Volume 8, No. 1 June 2011 .

Title:موقف النحاة من فلسفة النحوpublished on February by Journal Al-Addad, Pusat Bahasa University of Malaya Kuala Lumpur, 2011.

Title: صفاء النحو العربي من التأثرات الأجنبية, MajmaÑ al-LughawÊ al-UrdËnÊ,  2011, Jordan.

Title: الاحتجاج اللغوي لدى القدامى النحويين: دراسة نقدية في ضوء المعاصرة, Journal of Kulliyah al-MaÑÉrif al-JÉmiÑah, Republic of Iraq, 2011.

Title: أسماء الفاعلين في رياض الصالحين, Majallah al-Addaat, published on June by Pusat Bahasa University of Malaya Kuala Lumpur, 2012.

Title: القلب السليم, Majallah SHAS Mosque Monthly Bulletin, Issue no. 3, published on May by IIUM Mosque, 2012.

2013 - 2014:

Title: Linguistic Argumentation and Logic: An Alternative Method Approach in Arabic Grammar, Argument: Biannual Philosophical Journal, Vol. 3 (2/2013), ISSN 2083-6635 (printed) ISSN 2084-1043 (Online), ICV (impact factor) 2012: 4.98, Poland .

Title: ` The Conflict Theory in Arabic Grammar`, International Journal of Human Sciences (IJHSS) Hong Kong, (ISI Proceeding) Vol. 4, no. 1, January, 2014.

Title: `Memahami Perbandingan Sains Sosial Dan Sains Tabie, Majalah Sinar Rohani, Jakim, Vol. 1, 2014.

Title: ` The Effective of Syntax in Semantic: Cases in Arabic Grammar`, IPEDR Journal Hong Kong, (ISI Proceeding) Vol. 6, no. 4, 2014, (ISSN: 2010-4626).

Title: نماذج تطبيق القواعد التحويلية في النصوص العربيةJournal of Darul Ulom, Kulliyah Darul Olum, Minia University Egypt, June no. 28, 2013.

Title:  : دراسة نقدية  موقف المستشرقين من اللغة العربية: غولدتسيهر أنموذجاًArab Journal for the Humanities, Academic Public Council, Kuwait University, 2014.


2004 and before:

National Seminar on Arabic Language and Literature, theme al-itijÉhÉt al-Hadithah FÊ DirÉsat al-Lughah al-ÑArabiyah wa AdaabihÉ: QaÌayÉ wa ManhajiyÉt in IIUM, 2004, presenter on the topic المقام والقرينة الحالية ودورهما في المعنى

2005 - 2006:

International Conference on Islamic Jurisprudence And The Challenges Of The 21st Century: MaqÉsid as-SharÊÑah and Its Realization In Contemporary Societies, 8 – 10 August 2006, Organizer Department of Fiqh and UÎul al-Fiqh of IIUM.

Conference Peradaban Melayu Peringkat Antarabangsa , Sunway Lagoon, 12 – 13 Disember 2006, Organizer Universiti Perguruan Sultan Idris, Perak, presenter on the topic of `Penjelasan Al-Quran Tentang `Manusia` Kajian Tatabahasa Arab Terhadap Ayat-Ayat yang dipilih`.

2007 - 2008:

1st International Conference on Arabic Language and Literature organized by Arabic Dept. of IIUM, presenter on the topic ` موقف النحاة في فلسفة النحو العربي`.2007

International Conference on Islamic Solidarity in Tehran organize by ISESCO, OIC and Ministry Education of Iran on February 20-21 2008, presenter on the topic of `The concept an Integrated Islamic Curriculum and Its Implication For Contemporary Islamic Schools`.

International Conference on Humanities in Fateh UniversityIstanbul Turkey on July 15-18 2008, presenter on the topic of `The Connection Between The Maani an-Nahwi in Arabic and The idea of Modistae in Latin: Historical of Linguistic Study Approach`.

International Conference on Ijtihad wa Ifta` in the 21st century: Challenges and Prospects, in IIUM, 12-14 August 2008, presenter on the topic of `المنطق الفقهي وعلاقته بالدلالة النحوية`.

2009 - 2010:

International Conference on إسهام العلماء المسلمين في الحضارة العالمية, in Minia University Faculty of Darul el ulum, Eygpt, 8-11 march 2009, presenter on the topic `إسهام العلماء العرب في تقعيد النحو العربي: نظرات إلى العوامل والإعراب .

54th Annual Conference of the International Linguistic Association, St. John`s University, Manhattan Campus, New York, April 3 – April 5 2009, presenter on the topic of ` The Relationship Between Syntax and Semantics in the Case of Ma`ani Nahwi in Arabic Grammar and the Idea of Modistae in Latin`.

International Conference On Development 2009 (ICD2009) on Development and Ummatic Vision, in IIUM, 28th -30th July 2009, presenter on the topic `Reclaiming the Palestinian History: an Analytical study on Ancient Arabic Languages.

2nd International Conference on Arabic Language and Literature organized by Arabic Dept. of IIUM, 21-23 December 2009, presenter on the topic نقد ادعاء تأثر الفكر اليوناني في بدايات النحو العربي.

2nd ISTAC International Symposium on Mystical aspect of Islamic art and Literature, 20-23 July 2010, IIUM K.L Campus.

2011 - 2012:

International Conference Islamic Thought After Modernism 2011, 18-20 October 2011, IIUM K.L Campus, ISTAC, presenter on the topic ` The Alleged Transmission Greek Thinking Into Arabic Grammar: Is It Still Relevant?.

Persidangan Wanita 2011, Istana Hotel, 21-22 November, organized by Comfori, speaker on the topic `Wanita, Modal Insan dan Peradaban Dunia.

International Conference on Arabic Language أسماء الفاعلين في رياض الصالحين , UIN, SYARIF HIDAYATULLAH, 9-12 JULY 2012, JAKARTA, Indonesia.

2013 - 2014:

4th International Conference on Arabic Language & Literature 2013, presenter on the topic `المنهج في استنباط  القواعد النحوية في القرآن عند مذهبي البصريين والكوفيين, 15-17 May 2013, International Islamic University, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

FIRST WORLD CONGRESS ON INTEGRATION AND ISLAMICISATION OF HUMAN KNOWLEDGE (FWCII-2013), presenter on the topic `The Origin of the Arabs: A Critical Evaluation of the Sources`, 23 (Friday) – 25 (Sunday) August 2013, International Islamic University, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

FIRST WORLD CONGRESS ON INTEGRATION AND ISLAMICISATION OF HUMAN KNOWLEDGE (FWCII-2013), presenter on the topic ` موقف المستشرقين من قواعد اللغة العربية: غولدسهير أنموذجا`, 23 (Friday) – 25 (Sunday) August 2013, International Islamic University, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

International Language For Communication Conference: Engaging Global Community: breaking the barriers to effective communication, presenter on the topic `Linguistic Argumentation and Logic: An Alternative Method Approach In Arabic Grammar`, 23-25 August 2013, International Islamic University, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

4th International Conference on Humanities, History and Social Sciences (CHHSS 2013), presenter on the topic ` The Conflict Theory in Arabic Grammar`, Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei Darulssalam, 28-29 September, 2013.

ICLLL 2014: 2014 International Conference on Linguistic, Literature & Arts, presenter ` THE EFFECTIVE OF SYNTAX IN SEMANTIC: CASES IN ARABIC GRAMMAR, February 15-16 2014, IEDRG, Hong Kong.

3rd International Language (ILC), The Role of the Grammatical Government In Interpreting Vowel and Semantic Changes, June 4-6 2014, Center for Languages and Pre Academic Development (CELPAD), International Islamic University Malaysia.

Workshop on `Strategies For Increasing Citation Frequency: Before & After Publications,  February 23rd 2014, Academic of Islamic Studies, University Malaya, Kuala Lumpur.

International Conference on جهود الأدباء والنقاد العرب: بين التقليد والتجديد, presenter `موقف المستشرقين من الدراسات الأدبية العربية القديمة: دراسة نقدية` Jordan University of Science & Technology, Faculty of Science & Arts, 21-23 April 2014.

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